New Energy’s Value Proposition
From its inception, New Energy has been focused on developing a hydrokinetic power generation system that is easy to deploy and easy to maintain. The vertical axis concept is seen as one where these criteria can be met by keeping the electrical equipment above the water. This has the additional benefit of allowing initial development to be focused on the turbine itself, since conventional generators and gearboxes requiring no development are used. That combined with a testing methodology of mounting the systems to a barge and pushing or pulling them through still water.
From an assembly perspective, individual components from New Energy’s systems can be packaged for easy shipping and transportation to site. Assembly requires a few small tools, and can be done on site.
The benefits of being able to access these systems while running for testing or servicing purposes cannot be overstated, and has allowed New Energy to rapidly advance its technology, focusing on the issues and not having to spend precious resources on development of hermetically sealed generators, or pressurized oil sealing systems. The result is an inexpensive system that can be maintained by locally trained personnel without the need for specialized equipment or expertise.
New Energy has identified a very large, high need market sector in the remote communities throughout the developing world. This market is currently not being adequately served by products that meet the real need of these communities. Solar or wind may provide intermittent power, but this is not sufficient for critical uses such as refrigeration. Micro-hydro is an excellent source of power where it is available. But where there is a river or stream nearby, New Energy’s products are better suited to provide reliable continuous power than any existing competitive product.