Fort Simpson, North West Territories
June 2010
An EnCurrent (first generation) 25 kW Low Flow system, purchased by Northwest Territories Power Corp. (NTPC), went online on the Mackenzie River in Fort Simpson, NT on June 19, 2010.
This project served as a pilot project to prove the technology for use in the northern market. There were candidate sites on the Liard River that offered higher flow velocities and less tendency for debris but it was decided to locate the system adjacent to a power station operated by NT Power. The system had 2.4 m/s design rating but demonstrated the ability to generate power in water velocities in the 1.15 m/s range. In this location, the river freezes in the winter and the system is designed for decommissioning, removal and storage until it is scheduled for redeployed following the spring thaw. In the second year of operation, and with the benefit of New Energy’s training and certification program, the system was redeployed and commissioned in one day. This highlights both New Energy’s end-user training program and the rapid deployment capabilities of the system design.